

Start Process Method

Fork Spawn
Memory Overhead Could be higher as it duplicates entire memory space of parent process for child process Lower, as it creates a new process by launching a new executable and initializing a new runtime environment
Resource Utilization Yes, copy-on-write typically employed to optimize memory usage No, copy-on-write not applicable, as it creates a new process with separate memory space
Performance Impact Can be significant, especially for large processes or frequent forking Generally lower, as it involves less overhead for process creation
Platform Support & Portability Primarily used in Unix-like systems (e.g., Linux, macOS, BSD) Available on various operating systems, including Unix-like systems and Windows
Resource Management Requires careful management of resources to avoid issues like file descriptor leaks Generally simpler, as each process has its own separate resources
Signal Handling Child process inherits signal handlers and signal mask from parent process Child process does not inherit signal handlers and signal mask from parent process
Security May introduce security vulnerabilities if sensitive information is not properly handled Generally less prone to security vulnerabilities due to separate memory space |

Module scope mutable variable

import asyncio
import multiprocessing
import sys
import time
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from time import sleep

from rich.console import Console

console = Console(width=500)
print_ts = time.time()

def print(*args, **kwargs) -> None:
    global print_ts
    now = time.time()
    proc = multiprocessing.current_process().name
    if proc == "MainProcess":
        proc = f"[bold]{proc:<16}[/bold]"
        proc = f"{proc:>16}"
        f"{proc} [[green bold]{now - print_ts:>5.2f}s[/]]",

MODULE_SCOPE_LIST = ["Initial value"]
print(f"[MODULE SCOPE] List(id: {id(MODULE_SCOPE_LIST)}) initially: {MODULE_SCOPE_LIST}")

def append_to_shared_list(count):
    print(f"[FUNC SCOPE] List({id(MODULE_SCOPE_LIST)}) initially : {MODULE_SCOPE_LIST}")
    MODULE_SCOPE_LIST.append(f"Child process {count} update")
    print(f"Updated List(id: {id(MODULE_SCOPE_LIST)}) {MODULE_SCOPE_LIST}")

async def main(start_process_method):
    MODULE_SCOPE_LIST.append(f"Parent process update")
        f"Updated List(id: {id(MODULE_SCOPE_LIST)}): {MODULE_SCOPE_LIST}"

    context = multiprocessing.get_context(start_process_method)
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=2, mp_context=context) as executor:, range(1, 3))
    print(f"List(id: {id(MODULE_SCOPE_LIST)}) finally: {MODULE_SCOPE_LIST}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start_process_method = sys.argv[1]
    print(f"Start subprocess with '{start_process_method}' method")


MainProcess      [ 0.00s] [MODULE SCOPE] List(id: 4395577664) initially: ['Initial value']
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Start subprocess with 'fork' method
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Updated List(id: 4395577664): ['Initial value', 'Parent process update']
   ForkProcess-1 [ 1.01s] [FUNC SCOPE] List(4395577664) initially : ['Initial value', 'Parent process update']
   ForkProcess-1 [ 1.01s] Updated List(id: 4395577664) ['Initial value', 'Parent process update', 'Child process 1 update']
   ForkProcess-2 [ 2.01s] [FUNC SCOPE] List(4395577664) initially : ['Initial value', 'Parent process update']
   ForkProcess-2 [ 2.01s] Updated List(id: 4395577664) ['Initial value', 'Parent process update', 'Child process 2 update']
MainProcess      [ 2.02s] List(id: 4395577664) finally: ['Initial value', 'Parent process update']

Consequence of the same memory space & copy-on-write resource utilization

  1. List has the same id for any process.
  2. Every fork process contains ‘Parent process update’.


MainProcess      [ 0.00s] [MODULE SCOPE] List(id: 4362744128) initially: ['Initial value']
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Start subprocess with 'spawn' method
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Updated List(id: 4362744128): ['Initial value', 'Parent process update']
  SpawnProcess-1 [ 0.00s] [MODULE SCOPE] List(id: 4399924416) initially: ['Initial value']
  SpawnProcess-2 [ 0.00s] [MODULE SCOPE] List(id: 4388537536) initially: ['Initial value']
  SpawnProcess-1 [ 1.01s] [FUNC SCOPE] List(4399924416) initially : ['Initial value']
  SpawnProcess-1 [ 1.01s] Updated List(id: 4399924416) ['Initial value', 'Child process 1 update']
  SpawnProcess-2 [ 2.01s] [FUNC SCOPE] List(4388537536) initially : ['Initial value']
  SpawnProcess-2 [ 2.01s] Updated List(id: 4388537536) ['Initial value', 'Child process 2 update']
MainProcess      [ 2.11s] List(id: 4362744128) finally: ['Initial value', 'Parent process update']

Consequence of new process launching with a new executable file load into memory & initializing a new runtime environement

  1. List has different id for any process.
  2. “[MODULE SCOPE]” log printed three times.
  3. None of spawned process contain ‘Parent process update’.

Workers logger

import asyncio
import logging
import multiprocessing
import sys
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from time import sleep

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

print(f"{multiprocessing.current_process().name} - {__name__} - Print[MODULE SCOPE]: module scoped reached.")

def call_logger(count):
    logger.debug(f"Logger(id: {id(logger)}): function executed.")

def init_logger():
    root = logging.getLogger()

    handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(processName)s - %(name)s:   %(message)s')

async def main(start_process_method):
    context = multiprocessing.get_context(start_process_method)
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=2, mp_context=context) as executor:, range(1, 3))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start_process_method = sys.argv[1]
    logger.debug(f"Logger(id: {id(logger)}): start subprocess with '{start_process_method}' method")


MainProcess - __main__ - Print[MODULE SCOPE]: module scoped reached.
MainProcess - __main__:   Logger(id: 4390984784): start subprocess with 'spawn' method
SpawnProcess-2 - __mp_main__ - Print[MODULE SCOPE]: module scoped reached.
SpawnProcess-1 - __mp_main__ - Print[MODULE SCOPE]: module scoped reached.

Code modification 1

Pass init_log function as ProcessPoolExecutor initializer, result:

MainProcess - __main__ - Print[MODULE SCOPE]: module scoped reached.
MainProcess - __main__:   Logger(id: 4389406160): start subprocess with 'spawn' method
SpawnProcess-1 - __mp_main__ - Print[MODULE SCOPE]: module scoped reached.
SpawnProcess-2 - __mp_main__ - Print[MODULE SCOPE]: module scoped reached.
SpawnProcess-1 - __mp_main__:   Logger(id: 4353732432): function executed.
SpawnProcess-2 - __mp_main__:   Logger(id: 4328025936): function executed.


MainProcess - __main__ - Print[MODULE SCOPE]: module scoped reached.
MainProcess - __main__:   Logger(id: 4354415696): start subprocess with 'fork' method
ForkProcess-1 - __main__:   Logger(id: 4354415696): function executed.
ForkProcess-2 - __main__:   Logger(id: 4354415696): function executed.

Code modification 1

Move call_log to module, initialize own logger on module scope. Result:

MainProcess - __main__ - Print[MODULE SCOPE]: module scoped reached.
MainProcess - __main__:   Logger(id: 4360363344): start subprocess with 'fork' method
ForkProcess-1 - separate:   Logger(id: 4367811088): function executed.
ForkProcess-2 - separate:   Logger(id: 4367811088): function executed.

Code Modification 2

Pass init_log function as ProcessPoolExecutor initializer. Result:

MainProcess - __main__ - Print[MODULE SCOPE]: module scoped reached.
MainProcess - __main__:   Logger(id: 4325820432): start subprocess with 'fork' method
ForkProcess-1 - separate:   Logger(id: 4327030224): function executed.
ForkProcess-1 - separate:   Logger(id: 4327030224): function executed.
ForkProcess-2 - separate:   Logger(id: 4327030224): function executed.
ForkProcess-2 - separate:   Logger(id: 4327030224): function executed.

Data Sink

Let’s generate some data:

import datetime
import pickle
import random
import sys
import tracemalloc

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from mem_trace import print, mem_usage

RECORDS_COUNT = 200_000_000

def generate_data(length: int) -> np.recarray:
    print("Generating data to list.", mem_usage())
    values = [0, 1, np.nan]
    data = [(, random.choice(values)) for _ in range(length)]
    print("Converting list into data frame.", mem_usage())
    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['timestamp', 'val'])
    np_array = df.to_records()
    return np_array

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Generating {RECORDS_COUNT:_} records of data...")
    data = generate_data(RECORDS_COUNT)
    print(f"Generated {sys.getsizeof(data) / (1024 * 1024):.2f} MB of data. Pickling.", mem_usage())
    with open('data.pickle', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(data, f)

Let’s sum the data:

import asyncio
import multiprocessing
import pickle
import time
import tracemalloc
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

import numpy as np

from mem_trace import print, mem_usage


def load_data():
    print("Loading data...")
    with open('pw_asyncio/data.pickle', 'rb') as f:
        result = pickle.load(f)
    return result

def process(data: np.array) -> int:
    print("Received data")
        return np.nansum(data.val)
        print("sending result back.", mem_usage())

async def main(data: np.array) -> None:
    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
    total_sum = 0
    start = time.time()
    context = multiprocessing.get_context(sys.argv[1)
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=WORKERS, initializer=tracemalloc.start, mp_context=context) as ppe:
        print("Scheduling tasks...", mem_usage())
        batch_size = len(data) // BATCH_COUNT
        batches = [
            loop.run_in_executor(ppe, process, data[i:i + batch_size])
            for i in range(0, len(data), batch_size)
        print("Waiting for results...", mem_usage())
        done, pending = await asyncio.wait(batches)
    assert len(pending) == 0
    for batch in done:
        total_sum += batch.result()
    total_time_s = time.time() - start
    print(f"{total_time_s=:.2f} {total_sum=}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = load_data()
        f"Loaded {data.nbytes // 1024 // 1024} MB of data."
        f"[bold cyan]{len(data):_}[/] records"

    print(f"Will use {WORKERS} workers for {BATCH_COUNT} batches.")

Let’s run the code for both methods increasing number of workers.



MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Loading data...
MainProcess      [ 1.62s] Loaded 4577 MB of data.200_000_000 records
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Will use 1 workers for 1 batches.
MainProcess      [ 0.01s] Scheduling tasks... Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Waiting for results... Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
  SpawnProcess-1 [10.65s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-1 [ 1.63s] sending result back. Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 9155 MB
MainProcess      [12.67s] Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 14305 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] total_time_s=12.69 total_sum=66669134.0


MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Loading data...
MainProcess      [ 1.54s] Loaded 4577 MB of data.200_000_000 records
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Will use 4 workers for 4 batches.
MainProcess      [ 0.01s] Scheduling tasks... Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.71s] Waiting for results... Memory usage: 5865 MB; peak: 7009 MB
  SpawnProcess-1 [ 2.20s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-1 [ 0.45s] sending result back. Memory usage: 1144 MB; peak: 2288 MB
  SpawnProcess-3 [ 3.37s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-3 [ 0.45s] sending result back. Memory usage: 1144 MB; peak: 2288 MB
  SpawnProcess-2 [ 5.00s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-2 [ 0.48s] sending result back. Memory usage: 1144 MB; peak: 2288 MB
  SpawnProcess-4 [ 6.13s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-4 [ 0.34s] sending result back. Memory usage: 1144 MB; peak: 2288 MB
MainProcess      [ 6.64s] Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 7009 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] total_time_s=7.36 total_sum=66669134.0


MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Loading data...
MainProcess      [ 1.01s] Loaded 4577 MB of data.200_000_000 records
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Will use 8 workers for 8 batches.
MainProcess      [ 0.01s] Scheduling tasks... Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.28s] Waiting for results... Memory usage: 5221 MB; peak: 5793 MB
  SpawnProcess-1 [ 1.50s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-1 [ 0.19s] sending result back. Memory usage: 572 MB; peak: 1144 MB
  SpawnProcess-2 [ 1.58s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-2 [ 0.18s] sending result back. Memory usage: 572 MB; peak: 1144 MB
  SpawnProcess-6 [ 2.20s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-6 [ 0.19s] sending result back. Memory usage: 572 MB; peak: 1144 MB
  SpawnProcess-5 [ 2.86s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-5 [ 0.23s] sending result back. Memory usage: 572 MB; peak: 1144 MB
  SpawnProcess-3 [ 3.64s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-3 [ 0.24s] sending result back. Memory usage: 572 MB; peak: 1144 MB
  SpawnProcess-7 [ 4.39s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-7 [ 0.23s] sending result back. Memory usage: 572 MB; peak: 1144 MB
  SpawnProcess-4 [ 5.20s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-4 [ 0.22s] sending result back. Memory usage: 572 MB; peak: 1144 MB
  SpawnProcess-8 [ 5.93s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-8 [ 0.15s] sending result back. Memory usage: 572 MB; peak: 1144 MB
MainProcess      [ 6.82s] Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 5793 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] total_time_s=7.11 total_sum=66669134.0



MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Loading data...
MainProcess      [ 0.96s] Loaded 4577 MB of data.200_000_000 records
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Will use 1 workers for 1 batches.
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Scheduling tasks... Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.01s] Waiting for results... Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-1 [10.22s] Received data
   ForkProcess-1 [ 1.64s] sending result back. Memory usage: 9155 MB; peak: 13733 MB
MainProcess      [12.04s] Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 14305 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] total_time_s=12.05 total_sum=66669134.0


MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Loading data...
MainProcess      [ 1.53s] Loaded 4577 MB of data.200_000_000 records
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Will use 4 workers for 4 batches.
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Scheduling tasks... Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.01s] Waiting for results... Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-1 [ 2.15s] Received data
   ForkProcess-1 [ 0.50s] sending result back. Memory usage: 5722 MB; peak: 6866 MB
   ForkProcess-2 [ 3.40s] Received data
   ForkProcess-2 [ 0.41s] sending result back. Memory usage: 5722 MB; peak: 6866 MB
   ForkProcess-3 [ 4.99s] Received data
   ForkProcess-3 [ 0.44s] sending result back. Memory usage: 5722 MB; peak: 6866 MB
   ForkProcess-4 [ 6.62s] Received data
   ForkProcess-4 [ 0.32s] sending result back. Memory usage: 5722 MB; peak: 6866 MB
MainProcess      [ 6.96s] Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 7009 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] total_time_s=6.97 total_sum=66669134.0


MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Loading data...
MainProcess      [ 0.95s] Loaded 4577 MB of data.200_000_000 records
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Will use 8 workers for 8 batches.
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Scheduling tasks... Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.02s] Waiting for results... Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-1 [ 0.98s] Received data
   ForkProcess-1 [ 0.19s] sending result back. Memory usage: 5150 MB; peak: 5722 MB
   ForkProcess-2 [ 1.62s] Received data
   ForkProcess-2 [ 0.18s] sending result back. Memory usage: 5150 MB; peak: 5722 MB
   ForkProcess-3 [ 2.30s] Received data
   ForkProcess-3 [ 0.18s] sending result back. Memory usage: 5150 MB; peak: 5722 MB
   ForkProcess-4 [ 3.06s] Received data
   ForkProcess-4 [ 0.20s] sending result back. Memory usage: 5150 MB; peak: 5722 MB
   ForkProcess-5 [ 3.83s] Received data
   ForkProcess-5 [ 0.22s] sending result back. Memory usage: 5150 MB; peak: 5722 MB
   ForkProcess-6 [ 4.60s] Received data
   ForkProcess-6 [ 0.20s] sending result back. Memory usage: 5150 MB; peak: 5722 MB
   ForkProcess-7 [ 5.44s] Received data
   ForkProcess-7 [ 0.21s] sending result back. Memory usage: 5150 MB; peak: 5722 MB
   ForkProcess-8 [ 6.21s] Received data
   ForkProcess-8 [ 0.14s] sending result back. Memory usage: 5150 MB; peak: 5722 MB
MainProcess      [ 6.36s] Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 5793 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] total_time_s=6.38 total_sum=66669134.0

Results and Conclusion

Spawn Fork
1 Worker 12.69s 12.05s
4 Workers 7.36s 6.97s
8 Workers 7.11s 6.38s
  1. Less total time for more than 1 worker.
  2. Minor difference between 4 and 8 workers.
  3. Logs points concurrency and not parallelism between workers.
  4. Receiving data time for both methods is relatively high. It seems there’s serialization & deserialization is made every worker run.
  5. Fork methods should have significantly lower time for (4) due to copy-on-write mechanism but it doesn’t!

Why copy-on-write doesn’t work for forking processes.

Solution - Shared Memory

Take a look at changes made on __main__ and process function:

import asyncio
import multiprocessing
import pickle
import time
import tracemalloc
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from multiprocessing.managers import SharedMemoryManager
from multiprocessing.shared_memory import SharedMemory

import numpy as np

from mem_trace import print, mem_usage


def load_data():
    print("Loading data...")
    with open('pw_asyncio/data.pickle', 'rb') as f:
        result = pickle.load(f)
    return result

def process(
        shm_name: str,
        shape: tuple[int, ...],
        dtype: np.dtype,
        offset: int,
        batch_size: int
    ) -> int:
    print("Received data")
    shm = SharedMemory(shm_name)
    data = np.recarray(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, buf=shm.buf)
    print("Received data", mem_usage())
        return np.nansum(data[offset:offset + batch_size].val)
        print("Sending result back.", mem_usage())

async def main(data: np.array, shm_name: str) -> None:
    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
    total_sum = 0
    start = time.time()
    context = multiprocessing.get_context(sys.argv[1)
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=WORKERS, initializer=tracemalloc.start, mp_context=context) as ppe:
        print("Scheduling tasks...", mem_usage())
        batch_size = len(data) // BATCH_COUNT
        batches = [
            loop.run_in_executor(ppe, process, shm_name, data.shape, data.dtype, i, batch_size)
            for i in range(0, len(data), batch_size)
        print("Waiting for results...", mem_usage())
        done, pending = await asyncio.wait(batches)
    assert len(pending) == 0
    for batch in done:
        total_sum += batch.result()
    total_time_s = time.time() - start
    print(f"{total_time_s=:.2f} {total_sum=}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = load_data()
        f"Loaded {data.nbytes // 1024 // 1024} MB of data."
        f"[bold cyan]{len(data):_}[/] records"

    print(f"Will use {WORKERS} workers for {BATCH_COUNT} batches.")
    with SharedMemoryManager() as smm:
        shm = smm.SharedMemory(data.nbytes)
        shm_data = np.recarray(shape=data.shape, dtype=data.dtype, buf=shm.buf)
        print("Coping data to shared memory...", mem_usage())
        np.copyto(shm_data, data)
        print("Copied.", mem_usage())
        del data,

MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Loading data...
MainProcess      [ 1.57s] Loaded 4577 MB of data.200_000_000 records
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Will use 8 workers for 8 batches.
MainProcess      [ 0.22s] Coping data to shared memory... Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 3.37s] Copied. Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.10s] Scheduling tasks... Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.01s] Waiting for results... Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-5 [ 0.01s] Received data
   ForkProcess-4 [ 0.01s] Received data
   ForkProcess-2 [ 0.01s] Received data
   ForkProcess-7 [ 0.01s] Received data
   ForkProcess-3 [ 0.01s] Received data
   ForkProcess-4 [ 0.00s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-7 [ 0.00s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-6 [ 0.01s] Received data
   ForkProcess-3 [ 0.00s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-2 [ 0.00s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-6 [ 0.00s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-5 [ 0.00s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-9 [ 0.01s] Received data
   ForkProcess-8 [ 0.01s] Received data
   ForkProcess-8 [ 0.01s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-9 [ 0.01s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-9 [ 1.18s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-8 [ 1.54s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-4 [ 1.58s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-2 [ 1.60s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-3 [ 1.61s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-7 [ 1.61s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-5 [ 1.61s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
   ForkProcess-6 [ 1.62s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 1.63s] Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] total_time_s=0.98 total_sum=66669134.0
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Loading data...
MainProcess      [ 1.65s] Loaded 4577 MB of data.200_000_000 records
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] Will use 8 workers for 8 batches.
MainProcess      [ 0.29s] Coping data to shared memory... Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 3.22s] Copied. Memory usage: 4577 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.10s] Scheduling tasks... Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.02s] Waiting for results... Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
  SpawnProcess-5 [ 0.02s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-5 [ 0.04s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 0 MB
  SpawnProcess-3 [ 0.04s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-3 [ 0.05s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 0 MB
  SpawnProcess-9 [ 0.01s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-8 [ 0.00s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-8 [ 0.05s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 0 MB
  SpawnProcess-9 [ 0.05s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 0 MB
  SpawnProcess-7 [ 0.00s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-2 [ 0.00s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-7 [ 0.03s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 0 MB
  SpawnProcess-2 [ 0.03s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 0 MB
  SpawnProcess-6 [ 0.00s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-6 [ 0.07s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 0 MB
  SpawnProcess-4 [ 0.00s] Received data
  SpawnProcess-4 [ 0.07s] Received data Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 0 MB
  SpawnProcess-5 [ 1.02s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 214 MB
  SpawnProcess-3 [ 1.00s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 214 MB
  SpawnProcess-8 [ 1.07s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 214 MB
  SpawnProcess-9 [ 1.14s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 214 MB
  SpawnProcess-7 [ 1.15s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 214 MB
  SpawnProcess-4 [ 1.10s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 214 MB
  SpawnProcess-6 [ 1.15s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 214 MB
  SpawnProcess-2 [ 1.19s] Sending result back. Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 214 MB
MainProcess      [ 1.87s] Memory usage: 0 MB; peak: 4577 MB
MainProcess      [ 0.00s] total_time_s=1.37 total_sum=66669134.0